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Sunday, 4 December 2016

Grand Theme

“Youth Grassroot Campaign to Ensure SDGs”

  The Third South East Asia Leaders Summit (SEAL-S 2017) will offer you an experience to explore the “City of Scholar” through formal and informal activitiy. So, see you in Yogyakarta next year, the future leaders of South East Asia!


a. International Workshop

- Keynote Speaker: United Nation Development Program Bangkok
- Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
- Youth Force Indonesia
- Glow for Indonesia

b. Roundtable Discussion

- Environment Cluster  : Goal Number 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, and 15 of SDGs
- Social Cluster           : Goal Number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 of SDGs
- Politics Cluster          : Goal Number 5, 16, and 17 of SDGs
- Economy Clust          : Goal Number 8, 9, and 12 of SDGs

c. Essay Submission and Roundtable discussion

  Nusantara Young Leaders (NYL) believe that every young people thoroughly has their own idea, opinion, even innovation based on their capability to contribute in ensuring the success of SDGs. We are calling you to speak your voice up in this prestigious youth forum regarding the recent issue of SDGs and solution via Youth Grassroot Campaign. Your essay (4 topics as mentioned above) will be discussed on roundtable discussion, pointed as an influenced consideration by stake holders, and placed as main foothold of SEAL Declaration.

d. SEAL Declaration

  Nusantara Young Leaders (NYL) with United Nation Development Program and Youth Force Indonesia as the strategic partnership will invite you, the future leaders of South East Asia, to compose a declaration to embrace youth commitment in ASEAN Community blueprint. Furthermore, all delegates will be also invited in any NYL activities to bold youth contribution towards ASEAN Community blueprint.

e. City Tour

The Museum of Sentalu
Museum sentalu is the best museum in Indonesia, located near the slope of merapi mountain. In the middle of peacefulness we can find an amazing creation of time, the history. Ullen Sentalu gives a deep taste of culture from Java, filled with a series of relics and artifacs from the kingdom of Mataram. Surrounded by trees and joy of nature, ullen sentalu is the place that gives visitor a relaxing condition to learn much of all the amazing Javanesse Culture.

The Special Area of Keraton Yogyakarta
Kraton of Yogyakarta (formally known as: Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat) is a palace complex located in the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The palace is the main seat Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family. It serves as a cultural center for the Javanese people and contains a museum that displays the sultanate's artifacts.

Kraton means the place where the "ratu" (in English: Queen, in Javanese also mean: King) resides. The word "Keraton" (Keraton is living quarter of the royal family in the palace) (shortened form of ratu/Ka-ratuan) derived from the word "Ratu" which in Malay means king. The palace was built according to Javanese Philosophy and is shrouded by mysticism. The spatial arrangement of the palace, including the city-scape of the old city of Yogyakarta, including its architecture, direction of buildings, and objects all belongs to the mythological value and belief system of the Javanese. The main street of the old city forms a straight line from Tugu Yogyakarta, Kraton, Mount Merapi to Krapyak Hunting House. The layout mean "the origin of human beings and their last purposes" (Javanese: sangkan paraning dumadi)

Cultural Performances

Download Application Form (click here)
After fill it, send it back to us on nusantarayoungleaders@gmail.com with subject SEALS2017_Registration_(Your Full Name)

Download Eligibility of Participant (click here)

Important Dates

We remind you that all the selection proccess is profesionally controlled by Nusantara Young Leaders (NYL). So, please noted the important dates because we are not giving tolerance for any negligance.

Wave 1

27th November 2016: Opening Registration
16th December 2016: Closing Registration 
19th December 2016: Announcement of Selected Delegates
20th Devember – 27th December 2016: Attendance Confirmation
20th December 2016: Opening Payment 
7th January 2017: Closing Payment 
25th January 2017: Complete Confirmation of Arrival in Yogyakarta
8th February 2017: South East Asia Leaders Summit

Wave 2

17th December 2016: Opening Registration
7th January 2017: Closing Registration
10th January 2017: Announcement of Selected Delegates
11th – 20th January 2017: Attendance Confirmation
11th January 2017: Opening Payment
21st January 2017: Closing Payment
25th January 2017: Complete Confirmation of Arrival in Yogyakarta
8th February 2017: South East Asian Leaders Summit
We are counting on days to see you in Yogyakarta, the future leaders of South East Asia!

Visit Official Link

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