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Tuesday, 1 November 2016

This November, ADB will host its first Green Business Forum for Asia and the Pacific (GBF). The GBF brings together experts, business practitioners, and key stakeholders to share knowledge and identify avenues for promoting green business solutions in the region.
The GBF aims to provide a platform for knowledge sharing and lessons learning on the best policies/incentives, institutional arrangements, and financing modalities that can best support rapid green business development in the region.
Who are we looking for?
Green businesses cover a wide range of sectors. We are looking for innovative solutions to tackle climate change, reduce resource use inefficiencies and address environmental degradation while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth to join us at the GBF. Among others, these include solutions for:
  • pollution control/prevention
  • waste management/minimization
  • sustainable forest, land and water management
  • sustainable agriculture and organic farming
  • protected areas management
  • biodiversity and conservation
  • sustainable tourism and other service sectors
  • sustainable manufacturing
5 reasons not to miss the #GreenBizAsia
  1. Be a part of history and influence the dialogue on sustainable development at the first ADB-hosted gathering for green business experts and practitioners in Asia and the Pacific.
  2. Meet and network with government officials, sustainable development and financing experts, green entrepreneurs, and potential customers and clients from around the region and beyond.
  3. Businesses have the opportunity to showcase green innovations to an audience hungry for green and sustainable solutions, while governments can learn more about how to encourage and support green businesses in their countries.
  4. Attend and participate in thought-provoking sessions on emerging issues and challenges in promoting green business solutions for sustainable development in the region.
  5. Learn more about diverse perspectives on green business from different civil society stakeholders, including contributions from youth and other civil society organisations.


  • Showcase a number of best practice examples to illustrate early movers and successes in emerging green markets across the region;
  • Share and learn from the most effective policy frameworks and market based approaches promoting green business;
  • Help better understand why some countries are able to foster green business growth faster than others, and identify key factors for success;
  • Stimulate investments in emerging green business space;
  • Enable partnerships and collaborations for green business


ADB hosts its First Green Business Forum in recognition that green business is a key component and mover of green growth. It is a friendly gathering where green business practitioners and professionals can have an open dialogue and share their best ideas and experiences. Participating in the Green Business Forum enables you to become part of the increasing momentum towards green growth.

Target participants

  • Green business practitioners
  • Government officials from ADB developing member countries
  • Private sector, development partners, research organizations and NGOs


Registration to be a part of the GreenTech Connect exhibit is now closed.


ADB is seeking collaboration and partnerships with relevant institutions in program delivery and general participation.
More Information: ADB Green Business Forum

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